Most Viewed Youtube Videos of 2010

You tube is today’s most popular and most viewed video site on internet. Here is the list of 2010 most viewed youtube videos of 2010, with ‘Bed Intruder’ song is at the top of list and ‘You tube Rewind 2010 : year in review’ at the last. This list of top 10 youtube videos from help us to see and analyze what was being viewed the most and which video people liked the most. The videos contain clips of various TV shows, user made videos, movies trailers etc. 1. Bed Intruder Song 2. Tik Tok Kesha Parody : Glitter Puke 3. Greyson Chance singing Paparazzi 4. Annoying Orange Wazzup 5. Old Spice – The Man your man could smell like 6. Yosemitebear Mountain giant double rainbow 7. Rube Goldberg machine version – Ok Go – This too shall pass 8. Trailer – The Twitlight Saga : Eclipse 9. Jimmy surprises Bieber fan 10. Youtube Rewind 2010 : Year In Review via

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