Beware of Job-cheaters

Beware-of-Job-CheatersLast Sunday, while in New Delhi, I was going to my friend’s home, seating in the public bus. Two men, seating on a seat behind mine, were abusing each other.

As I was in bus, so their discussion was not properly audible but the theme was clear.

One of them was asking other for returning his 10 thousand rupees, and the other was giving him useless reasons.

Actually, the victim was from a U.P. village, which came to Delhi to get a job and was caught in the cheaters hands. They had taken money from him and now, where is the job???

The above incident is just an example which teaches us something. These types of incidents are very common in such metropolitan cities.

So, while lending your money, please do consider the below written some points.

1. Don’t give money to anyone in this way, even if he grants you 100% job satisfaction.

2. Even if you are a college graduate, and now you are in search of a job then also be careful. Job consultants now come in picture, but do take full knowledge about them before making them payment.

3. Blindly do not believe in the newspapers advertisements, especially in classifieds column. Generally people become their prey through newspapers only.

4. If you are going through paper’s ad, before meeting them, call on the telephone numbers they have provided in the ad, and if possible, ask about their website.

5. Research on internet about the organization.

6. See the below ad
“A US based company immediately needs 20 ambitious people. Salary 20-25k per month”.
If possible, search a month/ 2 months/ 3 months old newspapers. If the same ad, (or different ads but similar to this) of same advertiser is published everywhere, chances are that these are fraud.
Have they not got 20 people till now?

7. Another ad
“No Interview, on the spot offer letters”.
No one is going to give you an offer letter without proper Interview. Even when companies recruit in bulk, then also interview is must.

8. Another ad
“No Interview, Salary 10k per month.
Money is for what everyone struggles. No one is going to give you a penny free.

9. Always take someone with you while you go for an interview, especially girls please.

10.If they offer you something to eat or drink, say NO. You can say anything as “Today is my fast”.

11. Ask them clearly about your job profile and also about organization.

12. If everything is OK, congrats you have been selected in a good company.

One Comment

  1. Tarun Kumar

    Nice Blog

    Thanks for this info
    very gud articles

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