Mobile Batteries will Run for a Month Without Charging

Everyday new inventions are going on in the field of technology. Many Expensive Mobiles are now available in the market at very cheap rates. But the problem is low battery backup. Scientists, during an ambitious research project of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) of Allahabad University, have achieved a great achievement. They have managed to develop such a polymer electrolyte battery for the Next Generation which will prove a blessing for Mobile batteries.

At the time, Batteries are used maximum of 20 to 25 days without charge while the new electrolyte can increase its capacity to two to three times. Kamlesh Pandey, scientist of University’s National Centre of Scientific Mineralogy and Petrology are working on DAE Polymer Electrolyte Membrane fuel cell – also called as proton exchange membrane fuel cells. These cells are seen for the future as major energy source around the world. During this research Dr Pandey with his Senior Research Fellow Markandeya Singh has developed such a polymer electrolyte, which can create more powerful batteries.

Scientists have drawn first time a whole series of electrolyte with the help of Lithium (A soft silver-white univalent element that belongs to the alkali metal group). Though existing mobile operators uses the Electrolyte batteries, but scientists are continuously engaged in enhancing their quality. With the help of electrolyte invented in the university, efficiency can be increased by 30 to 50 per cent in mobile’s thermal, mechanical and optical capacity. By this the battery can be used for a long time by charging just once.

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