Megan Stewart from Scotland cannot comb hair

A small girl in Scotland is suffering from a disease in which she is not permitted to comb her hair by the doctors. The doctors said that if she will comb her hair forcefully and with great pressure then her brain could shut down.

Megan Stewart is 13 years girl who is a school student. She is suffering from ‘Hair Brushing Syndrome’. The solution to this disease is that she should take on certain precautions in which she should avoid wearing any polyester or touching balloon.

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She should be careful that she may not get in contact with the electrical charges as this could lead her brain into a sort of confusion. In this condition, the brain can stop functioning and can even send signals to lungs and heart to stop working.

Brain, Heart and Lungs are the main organs of human body and if these stop working then it could be a danger for human life.

Megan is living in Wishaw, Lanarkshire, Scotland with her parents. The disease was identified when the girl was 10 years of age. Her mother Sharon was combing her hair when the girl suddenly fell down. The color of her lips turned to blue. This made the parents in trouble. They immediately took her to the nearby hospital.

The disease is very strange and the parents of little girl are very much worried on this. When they first came to know of their daughter’s disease, they felt sick at the moment. But the brave girl consoled them and said that there is not any issue. She will just not comb with pressure.
Megan Stewart to not comb hair

The doctors have asked Megan to soften her hairs and when she is advised to lay down to comb. She is also asked to not participate in any sort of experiments and exhibitions which involves the flow of electricity.

They say that it could be due to some birth issues.

Megan Stewart also has asthma. She can’t even see the objects in fast motion.

But everybody, even the hospital staff was surprised when they saw the little girl’s dare when instead of crying and worrying on her diseases, she proudly said that she is happy with what God has given her. She knows that she needs to obey certain boundaries and that she will obey.


  1. Sakir Kabal

    Would it be possible to extend my note to Megan Stewart that she should use wooden comb to comb her hair because wooden comb does not charge static electricity and the problem to be solved.

    Best wishes and kindest regards,

    Sakir, Turkey.

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